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TLA Contacts
Athletic Committee Organized Sports and Athletic Events Dan Favilla (609) 714-2172 | Membership Committee Directory and Membership |
Beach Committee Beach, Lifeguards, Projects Lisa Farino (856) 296-3480 | Property Committee Green Space, Parks, Trail Entrances Shawn DePasquale |
Children’s Committee TLA-Sponsored Children’s Events Lindsay Cowperthwait | Social Committee Beach Opening, Beach Closing, Adult Events Kate Boianelli & Alyssa Martin (609) 937-0647 or (609) 605-2111 |
Civic Committee Zoning, Land Use, Development, Township | Technology Committee Website, Communications, Data Gavin Potts |
Lakes & Dams Committee Maintenance of Lakes Kevin Sparkman | Tidbits Editor TLA’s Monthly Newsletter Courtney Pitt |
President | Dave Martin | |
Vice President | Melissa Bettner | |
Treasurer | Steve Boianelli | |
Secretary | Michael Madorma | |
Trustee | Jeremy Pinto | |
Trustee | Michael Monte | |
Trustee | Christina Vocaturo |
BALLFIELD RESERVATIONS Between Heath & Indian Pipe | Mike Stoughton | - (609) 636-5568 |
CANOE REGISTRATIONS If tag is unreadable, email for new one | Tom Haug | - (609) 953-5644 |
JUNIOR BOARD | Chair Needed | TBD |
PAVILION RESERVATIONS Memorial Day through Labor Day | Lindsay Smith | |
TLA PLAYGROUP Ages 5 and Under | Abby Latimer | - (609) 760-1586 |
TLA Board Report
Hello TLA Residents:
Treasurer’s Report
Total of all 3 accounts is $185,172,41.
All accounts have been reconciled as of 11/1/22.
Any houses with outstanding dues are now in collections.
Audit of workman comp. was completed 10/30/22.
Budget voting will take place during the December meeting. Members in good standing are asked to come out to vote on the budget. Dues will increase to $400 this year.
Lakes & Dams Committee Report (Steve/Kevin)
Lake maintenance and notification to resident.
Lake lowered behind Indian Pipe Trail.
Phragmite invasive plant removal.
Proposed budget of $7,500 for spillway dam remodel.
Property Committee Report (Mike Monte)
Illegal use of south of Fairview greenspace with motor vehicles, hunting, and fire pits on TLA greenspaces. Signs to be posted prohibiting activities and trespassing on TLA property along with social post on TLA Facebook page.
Volunteers being requested for removal of graffiti on the bridge near the beach.
Landscape contact opened up to contractor to submit bid packages by November 15th.
Beach Committee
Jeremy Pinto appointed as liaison for the Beach Committee.
Civic Committee (Christina)
Nothing to report.
Children’s Committee (Christina)
Breakfast with Santa—Tidbits dates are wrong, corrected dates will be posted to TLA Facebook page and TLA playgroup Facebook page along with emails.
Membership Committee (Melissa)
Welcome Committee—handoff pending from Kate D. to Jess P.
Social Committee (Dave)
Resignations after Holiday Party—TLA Board is looking for volunteers for Adult and Children’s Social Committees.
Digital Committee (Melissa)
Tips and guidelines for TLA members to be posted to TLA website.
Athletic Committee (Mike Monte)
Turkey Bowl tickets are completely sold out.
New Business
Budget—procedure and function review
A legal matter requiring a signature—lien(s) signed
Board Member Appointments:
Dave Martin—President
Melissa Bettner—Vice President
Michael Madorma—Secretary
Steve Boianelli—Treasurer
Next Board meeting to be held at the Pavilion on 12/13/2023 - 7PM
Thank you.
The TLA Board
A Letter from the TLA President
Dear Tamarac Lakes Members: Tamarac Lakes is a great community in which to live and raise families. We have many amenities including our lakes, beach, tennis and basketball courts, and green space throughout with recreational trails. Your dues are used to protect and improve all of these amenities. The Tamarac Lakes Association relies on an all-volunteer board and committees to oversee TLA property and organize special programs for members. Our primary responsibility is to protect TLA’s property including our lakes, dams, green spaces, and other common areas. During the past year, TLA was sued by a member resident. This household sought to prevent TLA’s access to a designated "drainage easement" (above TLA's underground lake water piping) on their lot. This land easement is occasionally used by only TLA representatives for the service and maintenance of the "sluice box" spillway in Bittern Lake (adjacent to this resident’s property). Inspecting the Bittern Lake sluice box is something that TLA volunteers had done for some 40 years without conflict. After several months of research, mediation, and input from Medford Township’s attorney and engineer, we settled the case and TLA representatives now have full access to the “drainage easement” associated with the sluice box to inspect and repair as needed. [Superior Court of NJ Law Division, Burlington County, Docket No: BUR-L-2014-21] It’s essential that TLA manage the spillways on all lakes and dams for the integrity of the lakes but also for the health and safety of all residents who live around and downstream from the lakes. We are required by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to inspect our dams regularly; then, as required, make improvements to dams and water control structures to ensure their integrity to avoid any failures. In the current case of Bittern Lake, TLA incurred more than $30,000 in legal expenses and many volunteer hours in order to protect TLA’s property rights. Over the years, there have been a handful of cases in which TLA has had to hire legal counsel and/or go to court to protect TLA’s property. Most of these instances have included residents illegally expanding their properties into TLA’s green space or common areas or illegally altering TLA’s property. The board will continue to work to protect TLA’s property and our collective investment as members. As a TLA member, please be aware of your property boundaries if you are adjacent to TLA green space or common areas and observe the following: - Tamarac residents cannot expand their property boundaries into TLA property or alter their views by cutting trees or other vegetation on TLA property. - Tamarac residents cannot dump yard waste or any other debris on TLA property. - Tamarac residents cannot place fencing, outdoor furniture, tree forts or any other structures on TLA property. - Tamarac lakefront residents cannot disturb the lake bottom and must consult with the TLA board on alterations to or addition of docks. - Tamarac residents can store boats on TLA property only in designated areas and during designated times. We appreciate your support and invite all members to attend monthly board meetings or reach out to the board at with questions, comments, or concerns. Best wishes, happy holidays, and thank you, David Martin Tamarac Lakes Association, President
TLA Proposed Budget

5th Annual Tamarac Veterans Day BBQ and Chili Competition
The Tamarac Veterans Committee wants to thank everyone who came out for the BBQ and Chili competition. The event was a success, raising $710 for Operation Yellow Ribbon. We want to thank all the supporters of this event, specifically Jim’s Jarhead Jerky,
Rastelli’s, Grubr, Farm Truck Brewing, and Medford
The Chili competition was fierce, with 12 competitors.
In the end our very own veteran, Eric Brady was crowned victorious. Thank you to all the competitors and everyone that attended to support our veterans.
And a very heart-felt thank you to all the Tamarac Vets!

Tamarac Turkey Bowl IV

Reminders & Announcements

1 Durwood Court
Mary and Amy Williams

It’s been a busy fall with several projects undertaken to ensure the health and stability of our lakes.
Cove Restoration on Killdeer (our main) Lake: The cove located between Candlewood and Indian Pipe has been restored. It has been filling in with sediment from a stormwater drain and leaves for more than four decades.
Phragmites Removal: We have removed the invasive reed phragmites (Google—Phragmites australis) from several areas. This reed is common throughout South Jersey, but if it is left unattended will completely take over the lake edges. If you are a lakefront owner and you see these growing along your property, please cut them down.
Kingfisher Lake Outfall: We cleared plant growth and sediment from the stormwater outfall at the lake's edge. This is the pipe that extends from the corner of Bracken and Heath roads and carries stormwater. The outfall at the lakes edge had become severely obstructed.
Dam Cutting: The dams on Killdeer and Mallard lakes received buzz cuts recently. This is carried out each fall.
Leaf Removal: Please clean up any remaining leaves that may be left behind after leaf collection. This is particularly important for areas along Heath Road, Indian Pipe and Tallowood Drive where leaves can be washed into storm drains creating drainage problems and adding to organic matter in the lakes.
Coming Up
Bittern Lake Dock: We are going to investigate the potential for placing at dock at the end of Pixie Moss Court on Bittern Lake.
Killdeer Lake Spillway Engineering/ Reconstruction: NJDEP Dam Safety is going to require that TLA rebuild the spillway (paved area on lake behind tennis court) to bring it up to current dam safety standards. We are awaiting cost estimates for additional engineering/ modeling work. Reconstruction will like take place in 2024. This work is part of an ongoing dam failure analysis required by NJDEP that started about 5 years ago.
Bracken Road Pipe - Heron Lake to Mallard Lake: The joint is failing in the drain pipe that carries water from Heron Lake (next to gazebo) to Mallard Lake under Bracken Road. NJDEP Dam Safety is requiring TLA to fix the pipe, which could include repairing, replacing or slip lining another pipe inside. If it has to be replaced or slip lined, it will be a costly repair.
What is the primary source of water that fills our lakes in Tamarac? Be as specific as possible and send your answer to The first person to submit the correct answer will win a Wawa gift certificate.
Babysitter or Youth Services List
Is your child interested in being added to the list? Please email their name, date of birth, and phone number.
Is your child on the list and no longer wants to be included? Please email.
Would you like a copy of the Babysitter or Youth Services List?
Please email
