Beach & Canoe Rules
To help ensure a more enjoyable summer for all the members at our beach, please comply with the following rules. Review these rules with all the members of your family so that potential misunderstandings can be avoided at the beach.

​Beach Rules

Canoe Rules
Photos Courtesy of Mike Stiles and Denise DiPace
To help ensure a more enjoyable summer for all the members at our beach, please comply with the following rules. Review these rules with all the members of your family so that potential misunderstandings can be avoided at the beach.
While using the beach all members must have beach tags in their possession. Lifeguards will check for badges. Members who do not have beach tags will be asked to leave the beach.
While on duty, guards are responsible for the beach area that consists of the water’s edge and back to the second row of railroad ties. Lifeguards have the authority to close the beach at any time (for unsafe conditions) and enforce the rules. Parents will be notified when children are involved in violation of any of the beach rules. Parents are also responsible for any of their child’s misconduct that results in any type of damages.
Lifeguards are on duty from 11am to 7pm everyday that the beach is open. The beach officially opens the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and lifeguards will be on duty. Weekday coverage will begin when Medford Township schools are officially closed for the summer. If and when an “Off Duty” sign is posted on the lifeguard’s stand, you swim at your own risk.
When people are in the water, lifeguards’ priorities are as follows:
Within the roped off area
A ten (10) yard area on both sides of the roped in area and the entire area directly between the rope and the floating dock
A ten (10) yard area bordering the remaining three sides of the floating dock.
Children under the age of twelve (12) must be accompanied to the beach and supervised by a responsible adult. If not, the lifeguards have the authority to send that child home. TLA is not responsible for the safety and conduct of these children.
Only those who can swim can utilize the floating dock:
Children under the age of twelve (12) wishing to utilize the floating dock must pass an annual test administered by the lifeguards.
NO SWIMMING UNDER THE FLOATING DOCK! This may cause immediate expulsion from the beach for the day for first time offenders. Subsequent offenses may result in being banned from the beach for an extended period of time.
No pushing or shoving from the floating dock.
Parents taking small children to the floating dock are solely responsible for them.
Boats and/or inflatable rafts are not permitted in or tied up to the swimming area or placed on the floating dock.
NO GLASS CONTAINERS! Anyone using glass containers anywhere in the general beach area will be asked to dispose of such containers or leave the beach area. The potential serious danger or injury from broken glass is the reason for this. Note: a first aid kit is available from the lifeguard for minor injury.
Fishing equipment (not in use) is not allowed on the land area of the beach.
Sand throwing, towel swinging, etc., is not permitted.
Lifeguards on duty are permitted to park their vehicles in the area of the trail entrance at the base of the egress from Tallowood Drive, provided their vehicles are out of the way of residents’ homes and do not block the trail.
Functions held and sanctioned by TLA will be allowed vehicles on the beach premises for the purposes of loading and unloading supplies for the event.
TLA members in good standing who have reserved the pavilion for private parties will be allowed vehicles on the beach premises for the purposes of loading and unloading supplies for their event.
NO DOGS or any other domestic animals are permitted on the beach. When you take your dog for a walk, go around the beach area and bring a pooper-scooper with a paper/plastic bag.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted by anyone under twenty-one (21) years of age on the beach or any TLA Green Area. Smoking is NOT ALLOWED on the TLA Beach or Green Spaces.
Everyone is responsible for their own clean up after any activity…this also includes TLA functions.
BEACH GATE: Parking that obstructs a beach gate is not permitted. The road to the beach is for the use of emergency vehicles needing entry to the beach and for TLA sanctioned events and TLA members in good standing to transport supplies for events held at the beach. The gate may be left open during these events to facilitate the set-up and clean-up of beach events and private parties.
In the event of inclement weather, lifeguards will not be on duty. If the weather clears early enough, then the beach will be staffed. If bad weather occurs during the day, lifeguards will remain on the beach for thirty (30) minutes.
Guests are welcome at the beach as long as they are accompanied by a TLA paid member:
Twelve (12) guests and less – no approval needed
Groups of thirteen (13) guests or more – approval by Board of Directors.
Anyone wishing to reserve the beach for a private function may do so by contacting the Beach Reservation Chairman. A reservation form can also be found in the spring Tidbits. It should be noted that all functions require a permit and a deposit. A private function cannot conflict with other TLA sponsored events.
​THE BEACH TELEPHONE IS FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY. Abuse of the phone will result in suspension from the beach.
Do not park on or block the boat ramp on Knotty Oak.
Tamarac Lakes Association paid members are free to use their boats on any of Tamarac’s lakes. Please review the rules and guidelines below:
Boat Registration and Boat Racks
All residents are advised to have their name, address and phone number clearly and securely inside your boat. This is important as often boats are not where you think they are. This may be the result of theft, a storm or some other circumstance.
TLA maintains racks for canoes and kayaks in the Beach area. If you are going to use a TLA boat rack, you must register your boat with us. There is no charge for this service. You must complete the online registration form at A registration sticker will be mailed to you. This helps us identify who is the owner of boats that we find in strange places. You do not need to renew your registration each year. If your tag becomes lost or unreadable, please email us at and we will gladly get you a new one. If you have not registered your boat and we find it on our canoe racks, we have the right to free your boat from the canoe rack. If we are not able to locate you or identify who the boat owner is, we have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the boat. DO NOT secure your boat to a tree or any structure other than the canoe racks. Boats left on any other part of TLA’s property other than the boat racks will be removed. TLA is in no way responsible for the theft or loss of any boats on TLA property. Residents assume the full responsibility for their boats.
It is your responsibility to transport your boat to the canoe rack at the beginning of the season and remove it again when the season is over. You may carry your boat onto the beach via the main Tallowood Drive entrance or you may put your boat into the water at the boat ramp on Knotty Oak Drive.
The season begins on May 1 or cleanup day, whichever is earlier. The season ends on Halloween. If your boat is left after Halloween, we will attempt to contact you to remind you to remove it. If your boat is left after Halloween, TLA reserves the right to free your boat from the canoe rack. If we are not able to locate you or identify who the boat owner is, TLA has the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the boat. If we can identify you and have made requests to have you pick up your boat and you still have not picked up your boat, we have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the boat.
Boating Safety
There is to be absolutely no canoeing in the swimming area.
Life jackets and flotation devices must be in the canoe at all times when on the lake.
All non-swimmers must wear life jackets.
No horseplay or unsafe acts permitted.
Lifeguards have full authority and supervision over canoe activities in the Beach area.

Tom Haug
609 953 5644