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The Elizabeth Murray Memorial Foundation 1st Annual Golf Outing “The Lizard”
Dear friends of the Elizabeth/Liz/Beth/Lizard Murray Memorial Golf Outing and Guinness and Golf, we hope you are all ready to break out of your winter blues and do something good on the golf course, and for some of you…very bad. As you may have noticed we have changed our name to honor our friend, wife, sister, mother, daughter and just all around beautiful person Elizabeth Murray. This year and going forward we are going to do our best to keep her memory alive, and raise as much money as we can for Metavivor, an organization she loved and cared about.
This year we will be holding our event at Indian Spring Country Club on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 2023. This event has been a huge success and has grown leaps and bounds because of the Tamarac Community, Liz’s friends and family, and everyone else who has faithfully shown up in the rain, snow, and on our lucky days… sunshine. Last year we were able to raise $6,000 on the course, and with corporate matching that became an astonishing $12,000 that went right to Metavivor. If you don’t know, all of the money donated to Metavivor goes right to cancer research… 100%
If you are a Tamarac resident who would like to play or buy a sponsorship for this event, contact George Smith at smitti2519@gmail.com or Eric Brady at bradyrenegades@gmail.com. This is a random draw event, meaning you will be drafted and placed with a foursome, then handicapped. This has been a great way to make new friends and meet neighbors! Not to mention the coveted bobbleheads.
=On behalf of The Elizabeth Murray Memorial Foundation, Inc., we want to thank you for your continued support.
Trustee’s- Conor Murray, George Smith, Matt Cowperthwait, Eric Brady
TLA Contacts
Athletic Committee Organized Sports and Athletic Events Dan Favilla athletic@tamaraclakes.org (609) 714-2172 | Membership Committee Directory and Membership tamaracmembership@gmail.com |
Beach Committee Beach, Lifeguards, Projects Lisa Farino tlabeachcommittee@gmail.com (856) 296-3480 | Property Committee Green Space, Parks, Trail Entrances Shawn DePasquale property@tamaraclakes.org |
Children’s Committee TLA-Sponsored Children’s Events Lindsay Cowperthwait Lindzr14@yahoo.com | Social Committee Beach Opening, Beach Closing, Adult Events Robyn Jennings & Hope Musumeci social@tamaraclakes.org |
Civic Committee Zoning, Land Use, Development, Township | Technology Committee Website, Communications, Data Gavin Potts tamaraclakesassociation@gmail.com |
Lakes & Dams Committee Maintenance of Lakes Kevin Sparkman tamaraclakeswater@gmail.com | Tidbits Editor TLA’s Monthly Newsletter Courtney Pitt tamaracnewsletter@gmail.com |
President | Dave Martin | |
Vice President | Melissa Bettner | |
Treasurer | Steve Boianelli | |
Secretary | Michael Madorma | |
Trustee | Jeremy Pinto | |
Trustee | Michael Monte | |
Trustee | Christina Vocaturo |
BALLFIELD RESERVATIONS Between Heath & Indian Pipe | Mike Stoughton | tamarac.ballfield@gmail.com - (609) 636-5568 |
CANOE REGISTRATIONS If tag is unreadable, email for new one | Tom Haug | tlaboats@gmail.com - (609) 953-5644 |
JUNIOR BOARD | Chair Needed | TBD |
PAVILION RESERVATIONS Memorial Day through Labor Day | Lindsay Smith | |
TLA PLAYGROUP Ages 5 and Under | Abby Latimer | Abbylynnk@gmail.com - (609) 760-1586 |
TLA Board Report
Hello TLA Residents:
7PM Call to order
Commencement of Budget Voting—Budget passed for 2023
Treasurer’s Report
Total of all 3 accounts is $171,107.89 as of 12/13/2022.
Children’s transferred unused funds to Athletic Committee to support TTBIV
Outstanding dues continue to be handled by attorney - liens placed on properties
Lakes & Dams Report
$300,000 estimate for spillway project received - NJDEP requiring TLA to upgrade spillway -no timeline given at this time
Lake maintenance completed
Property Committee Report
Letter sent to Fairview residents on South Side - illegal off road vehicle in green space
Reminder to all residents - no use of green space without consent, please report illegal use of green space to Medford Township Police
Signs placed in woods regarding no illegal use of green space
Outdoor Solutions received contract for TLA land maintenance for 2023
Basketball upgrade pricing to be received in January
Tennis court expansion not taking place - wetlands prevent expanding - Will get pricing to upgrade current court
Graffiti clean up to happen during Spring clean up
Children’s Committee
Thank you Nini Waring for organizing an amazing Brunch with Santa event!
Membership Committee
New households visited by new chairperson: Jess Pinto. Thanks for volunteering!
Social Committee
Need new chairperson after winter party in January.
The Board would like to recognize Kate Boianelli and Alyssa Martin for all the work they put in over the past 6 years planning amazing social events
Please contact the board if interested in volunteering as Social chair person
Digital Committee
New website has merch
Considering offering TLA merch for members to order 24/7
Athletic Committee
TTB IV success! Thank you volunteers
Need chairperson for TTB V kids game
Overwhelming amount of kids game interest
New Business
100% General Liability insurance increase
2 brokers shopped - we have best price we can get
Neighboring lake communities recommending specific legal council - TLA to consider if/when needed
A Next Board meeting to be held at the Pavilion on 1/10/2023 - 7PM
Thank you.
The TLA Board

Tamarac Lakes Association (TLA) is hiring lifeguards for the summer of 2023. In addition to lifeguarding, our lifeguards will help check membership badges, maintain the quality of our beach, and enforce safety rules.
Qualifications required:
Current American Red Cross Lifeguard and First Aid Certification with add-on Waterfront Lifeguarding Module (waterfront certification expense will be reimbursed at the end of the beach season).
Must feel comfortable interacting with residents, enforcing beach rules, and working independently.
Availability during the last three weeks of summer (including Labor Day weekend) is a must.
To be considered for this position or if you have any questions, please email TLALifeguards@gmail.com.
Reminders & Announcements

18 Covenger Drive Nino & Christina Stenta gnocchi72@gmail.com christinastenta@gmail.com 39 Tallowood Drive Lorra Shea and Peter Costa peterjcosta00@gmail.com lorrashea@gmail.com 109 Bracken Road Sarah & Charles Powell sarahpowell.slp@gmail.com cpowell_21@hotmail.com | 22 Covenger Drive Shaun & Erica Archer ebelton26@gmail.com 11 Foxwood Lane Alex & Jamie Dodd jamierdodd86@gmail.com 12 Foxwood Lane April Chmielinski aprilaf08@yahoo.com 95 Tallowood Drive Michael & Barbara Agnello barbara.agnello@gmail.com |

In the December issue of the Tidbits, we asked “Where Does the Water Come From in Our Lakes?” Sarah Spellman was the first to respond with the answer “springs,” and as a result is the winner of a Wawa gift card!
Yes, the water that fills our lakes is what people call springwater or groundwater. Quite simply, our community and almost all of south Jersey sits a top a very shallow freshwater aquifer called the Kirkwood Cohansey aquifer. Water that seeps out of the ground as springs in upland areas form wetlands and creeks. This water flows downhill to other larger creeks and eventually rivers. Our lakes were man-made by simply damming up these small creeks. Water also fills the lake from below because as they dug the lakes out some 50 years ago, they were intersecting with the aquifer or groundwater. Yes, rainwater also flows into our lakes, but groundwater probably represents 90 percent of the water in the lakes. All of the lakes in Medford are man made. In fact, there are virtually no naturally formed lakes in southern New Jersey; they are almost all the result of damming small creeks. Tamarac’s lakes are at the headwaters of the southwest branch of Rancocas Creek which flows through Burlington County to the Delaware River.
Learn more about our aquifer at www.sjwatersavers.org
Babysitter or Youth Services List
Is your child interested in being added to the list? Please email their name, date of birth, and phone number.
Is your child on the list and no longer wants to be included? Please email.
Would you like a copy of the Babysitter or Youth Services List?
Please email tamaracnewsletter@gmail.com.

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Tidbit Guidelines
Tidbits is published monthly (with the exception of January) and delivered to all TLA Residents electronically.
Tidbits encourages any articles or information which may be of interest to your Tamarac neighbors, as are any suggestions concerning the Tidbits. We’d like to include family news like births, engagements, weddings or other happy news you’d like to share.
With a circulation of more than 500, resident and nonresident business owners may want to consider paid advertising. Please refer to our rate table published monthly below.
